Fourth grade!!:)

Hi, sorry I haven’t been blogging for a while! I was just so busy with sports and camps for volleyball so I just didn’t blog for a long time. Anyways, I got mrs Pilko for the fourth grade and I really enjoyed it. She always taught so that I could understand. Also she will always help you with things. I started to love going to school everyday because of her. Next, I liked seeing mrs Judson everyday and mrs Venececk, too. They were both great teachers. In special you will have one different every day. The thing that I will love the most about fourth grade is the teachers. Thank you for waiting for me to write a post!!:)



2 thoughts on “Fourth grade!!:)

  1. Hi Mallory,
    I am so sorry I missed your post or else I would have commented sooner! Luckily, edublogs made some upgrades and now when I go to my dashboard I can see all posts that have been made by my students in one spot! Whew! This makes my job so much easier than trying to visit every blog separately! I am so glad you had a good 4th grade year. If you get this, write back and let me know who you have for 5th!

    Mrs. C.

    • Dear Mrs. C,
      I have Mr. Schafer for the 5th grade. He is really awesome! We have read the book Shiloh as a class, and we watched the movie on November 11th. It’s a good movie and book. I miss the 3rd grade so much because there was a easier math program then. Anyways, how are you doing? Have the students this year been good so far? Has anybody made it to rocks tar yet? When you get the time please write back.

      – Mallory
      P.S- do you still have s’more as a class pet?

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